Friday, November 3, 2017

Painting Lord of the Rings. (Evil figures from Escape from Goblin Town)

Our next game from lord of the rings will involve my goblins so I decided to finish painting the Goblin army which includes the Goblin King, Grinnah, the goblin scribe, the goblin captain, and 36 goblin warriors.

The following two images are of the Goblin King.

The next one is the Goblin Scribe

The next few are images of the 36 goblin warriors

The next one is Grinnah and the Goblin captain. Funny that the goblin captain is the smallest of all the goblins.

The last is a picture of the Goblin Army

Painted: 39
Total for 2017: 316
Working on:  Terrain from the hobbit escape from goblin town box set


  1. These guys look great Serge, nice paintjobs!

  2. Thanks. Mike just gave me an additional 24 Goblins. So I guess I am not done with them yet.
