Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Painting Wookiee Warriors (Rebel) for Star Wars Legion

Francis brought over ten boxes for painting. Some were for the Rebel army and some were for the Imperial forces.

The following is the wookiee warrior expansion unit. You can actually use these for Rebel or Galactic Republic. 

I painted the wookiees mostly with citadel contrast paints. Skeleton Horde and Gore Grunta Fur.

The following is a picture of the Unit

And these are pictures of the individual models

Painted 6

Total for 2024: 39

Working on: Star Wars Legion

Backlog: D&D 5e models

Total for 2023: 64
Total for 2022: 437
Total for 2021: 437
Total for 2020: 376
Total for 2019: 299
Total for 2018: 375
Total for 2017: 392

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