Thursday, August 29, 2024

Painting DND 5e models

 We are continuing our Mad Mage Campaign, and I needed to paint a few more models.

An Arch Druid

A Wight

A druid can summon a number of animals. Here are some Mastiffs. 

Here are some Dire wolves

A Green Slaad

An Ettin

Four Duergars

A Cloaker

Painted 16

Total for 2024: 80

Working on: Star wars Legion

Backlog: By Fire and Sword (Coming soon)

Total for 2023: 64
Total for 2022: 437
Total for 2021: 437
Total for 2020: 376
Total for 2019: 299
Total for 2018: 375
Total for 2017: 392

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