Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Painting Heavy Gear Paece River and NuCoal

 At Cangames 2022, me and Kevin (Son) bought at Heavy Gear Blitz two player starter box with 3.1 version rules. Heavy Gear is a Game made in Canada so nice to support a local group (Montreal).

We painted these models in two sessions. I chose the Peace River and my son chose NuCoal.

The following are the models my son painted. 4x Casseurs, 4x Curassier, 3 Chevalier, 2 Jerboa, and one Fussier.

and the following is my Peace River force. Some Warriors, Warrior IVs, Skirmishers, Crusaders, and one Hyena II

Painted 15

Total for 2024: 111

Working on: Team Yankee British Army Starter Box, 4 x Warrior platoon boxes, 2 x FV432 or Swingfire troop boxes, Mechanised Company box, Harrier Close Support Flight box, M270 MLRS Battery box

Backlog: None

Total for 2023: 64
Total for 2022: 437
Total for 2021: 437
Total for 2020: 376
Total for 2019: 299
Total for 2018: 375
Total for 2017: 392