Saturday, August 19, 2017

Painting Warhammer 40K Space Marines

Warhammer 40K has just released a new rule set. It is much simple than previous editions I am told, so I taught that I would give it a try.

A while back my nephew gave me some 6th edition space marines. I decided to try painting them as Ultra Marines.

I have only played one game and Mike destroyed me and Stan.

Here is two Tactical Squads.

A Scout Squad

An Assault Squad (I think)

A Teckmarine

A Captain

A Land Speeder

A Predator

Painted: 30
Total for 2017: 198
Working on:  Warhammer 40K Dark Imperium Box Set

Painting Goth Army for next SAGA campaign part 2

I have been busy painting but a little lazy with posting. I decided to buy another Goth starter set for the campaign. This time it was the Visigoths. It is a lot cheaper to buy the starter set than buying separate forces. This starter set came with two mounted Hearthguard units and two warrior units on foot.

These are the two warrior units

The two Hearth Guard units

As you can see I used the Little Big Men Studios Shield Transfers. Works really well.

I have the two sets in one magnetize box.

This should be all for my goths. Time to move on to other projects. I played two games so far with Mike. This first was a one sided slaughter. My Goths moved rapidly closed the distance and killed all resistance. The second battle was a lot closer. Mike lost all his force with the General being the only one standing. I had my General and one Hearth guard model. So I won by one point.

Painted: 24
Total for 2017: 168
Working on:  Warhammer 40K Space marines